Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on October 2, 2014 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing


Yeah. Who do you think you are, the NSA, GCHQ, etc.? They summons any of your info they want. They hire hackers to program the most intrusive applications possible, etc.

In this post 9/11 world with news about hackers every day, sabotage of Iran’s centrifuges, Sony, Home Depot and Target data losses and you running around changing passwords everywhere, who’s going to argue?

They create laws to prove how much they honor the Fourth Amendment or your privacy…and “come down hard” on people who do…well…pretty much what they do. That’s because they maintain that when a government does it, that’s ok because it’s for your “security”.

Some of it…maybe even most of it is. But, to guard your privacy they invade yours because, if it’s ok to check Joe Blow, it’s equally ok to check you. Fair is fair.

But don’t worry: The FISA Court protects you. Sure it does.

Anyway, rant over. Today’s topic explains it all. Case in point?

“Hammad Akbar, CEO of StealthGenie, had been arrested in Los Angeles and charged with conspiracy, advertisement of a known interception device, advertising a device as a surreptitious interception device and sale of such a device. StealthGenie, which had been available on iOS, Android and BlackBerry, was known for providing an app capable of monitoring someone's calls, texts and photos, as well as tracking their location and more.” – engadget



Well, the PRC is doing it to their people and your cell phone company tracked you “to improve quality of service provided” (yeah, like anyone swallowed that one) and everyone under the sun sells your data (but doesn’t identify you actually - of course the metadata sure does), poor Hammad. He just wanted to be the NSA. I also wonder what else he did with all that information and to whom he sold it.

Sen. Al Franken maintains that, "People ought to be able to control who can access their sensitive information, and stalking apps on cellphones directly violate that principle." A lofty stand, and absolutely correct imo.

Then he went on to state, “Currently, there is no federal law banning the secret collection of location data. That's why we need to pass my legislation to ban stalking apps once and for all.” Right on, Al.

I felt like I was watching “When John, Harry, Nancy and Mitch Met The Constitution”.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. Of course there’s no such law (just as two Presidents couldn’t finish a fence): Why have a law that you write the NSA (etc.) loopholes into anyway just to tell some people, “You’re not a member of the club that I am.”?

Don’t worry. It’s just to keep you safe.




Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 02, 2014


We have enough internal issues of our own for fuck sake... an increasing crime rate; increasing drug use/addiction; increasing poverty; etc, etc, etc, and we're not doing such a great job combatting any of that, so I say we clean up our own backyard before we go digging out weeds in others.

Same can be said for the US ....though like Texas....everything's on a larger scale...


on Oct 02, 2014


That isolationist crap about kicked our ass in WWII, we Americans know better now.

Australia wasn't 'isolationist' back then....it was isolat-ed.

Then along came 202 bombing raids on Darwin...and more on Broome, etc, and 'isolated' wasn't what it used to be.

Pearl Harbour had 'one' attack....but 'just' one attack on Darwin killed more and sank more shipping....then there were 201 more.

Like it or not, we're no longer protected by 'the Tyranny of Distance'. [it's a book by Geoffrey Blainey] The world is now at our doorstep....


on Oct 03, 2014

Okay, people, I'll put it another way. There are no winners in war.... just casualties; there is no just war.... just victims; there has never been a war to benefit mankind as a whole.... just the wealthy, and war destroys/divides families, and therefore I hate war and all it represents.


on Oct 03, 2014

I forgot who said better to fight them over there rather than at home. Freedom is not 'free'. You either fight for it or live in a cage. Many countries had to fight to be free, to be independent, to throw off the yoke of oppression. No one country can afford to be isolationist. That's an open invitation to those who will believe you are weak and unconcerned with your fellows. Lets not forget ISIS has threatened not only those who live in the middle east but others as well. The UK, America, Australia. Russia, Chechnya whose leaders have vowed to destroy them, China, Iran, Turkey, Lbya, Syria, Qatar, the UAE, and others. They are a global threat and only a global response will end that threat. Allies, once enemies, have joined in the fight. No one can say its none of our business, its everyone's business. You want to kill a snake you cut off its head. Its time to cut off that head. My two cents. 

on Oct 03, 2014


in doing so he increased the potential for terrorist attacks on home soil, in retaliation.

Unfortunately, that's a common misimpression. Their particular 'grievance list' and 'war' relates to everyone not exactly like them whether you have blue eyes or green. That is clear since Australia did nothing to cause the activation of their cells on your soil.

The very fact that they had cells in Australia should tell you something about their intentions. Australia? Didn't have a single cell in Iraq to 'provoke'.

Believe me: It's enough that you breathe and that you are not part of their cult.

on Oct 03, 2014


Believe me: It's enough that you breathe and that you are not part of their cult.
The misconception that religions and "pursuit of peace" have been the cause of most wars is a testament to the folly of deductive social doctrine.

Human nature is egocentric, but the argument that "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" is altruistic avarice fostered as compassion.

Greed is the root of all conflict.  Keeping what is "mine" is primary to the concept of "inalienable", but the truth is nothing is inalienable because everything comes from without.

No one can say its none of our business, its everyone's business. You want to kill a snake you cut off its head. Its time to cut off that head. My two cents.
The head of the snake can't just be cleanly cut off, it has to be crushed.  And while it is foreseen, the writhing of the body and tail is still going to take place.

on Oct 03, 2014

I forgot who said better to fight them over there rather than at home. Freedom is not 'free'. You either fight for it or live in a cage. Many countries had to fight to be free, to be independent, to throw off the yoke of oppression. No one country can afford to be isolationist. That's an open invitation to those who will believe you are weak and unconcerned with your fellows. Lets not forget ISIS has threatened not only those who live in the middle east but others as well. The UK, America, Australia. Russia, Chechnya whose leaders have vowed to destroy them, China, Iran, Turkey, Lbya, Syria, Qatar, the UAE, and others. They are a global threat and only a global response will end that threat. Allies, once enemies, have joined in the fight. No one can say its none of our business, its everyone's business. You want to kill a snake you cut off its head. Its time to cut off that head. My two cents. 


that's not going to happen. let's not forget who was a major part in the creation of Al-Qaeda and who supported jihadists in Bosnia and still does so in Chechnya.

there's already a new legend being built with that so-called clandestine and "far more dangerous" Khorasan outfit, now that the Daesh (IS, ISIS, whatever) did become too annoying there's something new required.

the real goal is to attack Syria and Iraq. well played Obama, i have to admit that.

on Oct 03, 2014


the truth is nothing is inalienable because everything comes from without.

on Oct 03, 2014

For whatever its worth. More than a hundred years ago the middle east was taken over by certain western powers looking to control something not theirs. Seeking to take what clearly did not belong to them. Land, oil, and what have you. Today is the direct result of all that foreign intervention. Not defending the extremists, no way, but you have to stop and think about why they feel the way they do. You invade my home I'm gonna do whatever it takes to kick you out. That's exactly what they tried to do all those years ago and failed.

on Oct 03, 2014


Greed is the root of all conflict.

Wish it was that simple or straightforward.  Alas...

on Oct 03, 2014

For whatever its worth. More than a hundred years ago the middle east was taken over by certain western powers looking to control something not theirs. Seeking to take what clearly did not belong to them. Land, oil, and what have you. Today is the direct result of all that foreign intervention. Not defending the extremists, no way, but you have to stop and think about why they feel the way they do. You invade my home I'm gonna do whatever it takes to kick you out. That's exactly what they tried to do all those years ago and failed.

And hundreds of years before that the Muslims did the same in Europe, and hundreds of years before that the Christians did the same in the Middle East. And on, and on....

on Oct 03, 2014

Leo in WI

Quoting Uvah,

For whatever its worth. More than a hundred years ago the middle east was taken over by certain western powers looking to control something not theirs. Seeking to take what clearly did not belong to them. Land, oil, and what have you. Today is the direct result of all that foreign intervention. Not defending the extremists, no way, but you have to stop and think about why they feel the way they do. You invade my home I'm gonna do whatever it takes to kick you out. That's exactly what they tried to do all those years ago and failed.

And hundreds of years before that the Muslims did the same in Europe, and hundreds of years before that the Christians did the same in the Middle East. And on, and on....

If we fail to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. 

When looking at life it does seem to play out as a never ending cycle.

on Oct 03, 2014

Leo in WI

Quoting Uvah,

For whatever its worth. More than a hundred years ago the middle east was taken over by certain western powers looking to control something not theirs. Seeking to take what clearly did not belong to them. Land, oil, and what have you. Today is the direct result of all that foreign intervention. Not defending the extremists, no way, but you have to stop and think about why they feel the way they do. You invade my home I'm gonna do whatever it takes to kick you out. That's exactly what they tried to do all those years ago and failed.

And hundreds of years before that the Muslims did the same in Europe, and hundreds of years before that the Christians did the same in the Middle East. And on, and on....

Exactly my point. Age old rivalries, one of which resulted from a disagreement over who shall lead the people more than a thousand years ago.The 'If you're different that means you are less of a human than I am' mindset. Everybody wants to be the only one that matters, no one else. Numero uno. I'm not going to get into that. Way off the OP.  

on Oct 03, 2014


If we fail to learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

When looking at life it does seem to play out as a never ending cycle.

 That's my point entirely!  We repeat hisorical mistakes over and over again; through greed and wanting/taking that which isn't ours; coveting our neighbours wives; by sticking noses where they don't belong, etc, etc. 

Sadly, there is no answer on the horizon because mankind seems to know only one way to resolve things... with violence/going to war.

on Oct 04, 2014


by sticking noses where they don't belong, etc, etc. 


But they intend to bring their noses to you, and have: http://humanevents.com/2014/09/18/isis-in-australia/


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