Ramblings of an old Doc


You’ve probably seen the story. Many are hoping NASA gets the funds to probe (pardon the pun) this idea.

Einstein proved that there is an absolute limit to velocity (the speed of light in a vacuum = c ).

However, what if a field (a warp field) could be generated which would compress space ahead of the vessel and expand it behind the vessel, by generating a “warp bubble” around the vessel.

So? Well, while the speed of light remains as is, space itself can be contracted or expanded at any speed…so, if a vessel can do that, it ‘sidesteps’ the limitations of ‘normal’ space. This vessel would not really move. It would move space ahead and behind it. Even better, time would be unchanged in the ship and would be the same as on earth, and a trip to Alpha Centauri a matter of 2 weeks. There would also be no tidal forces in the bubble or ship.

Dr. Harold “Sonny” White and his team from the NASA Engineering Directorate have started doing this: Designing a ship surrounded by 2 rings to generate the field. They found some ‘loopholes’ in equations which they believe will allow them to accomplish this project. They’ve even got an instrument which will detect the generation of the warp field (even a microscopic one) called the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer.

So what about fuel for this thing?

The Eagleworks team has discovered that the energy requirements are much lower than previously thought. If they optimize the warp bubble thickness and "oscillate its intensity to reduce the stiffness of space time," they would be able to reduce the amount of fuel to manageable amount: instead of a Jupiter-sized ball of exotic matter, you will only need 500 kilograms to "send a 10-meter bubble (32.8 feet) at an effective velocity of 10c." – Gizmodo

What will it look like if they can generate a bubble? You can take a look at some concept designs here.

Here’s one to make your mouths water…




Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 12, 2014

Maybe the people who will solve this problem are alive today.  Let them try.  

I am so sick of war and being told to be afraid.  I am so sick of poverty and the harm we are doing to the most vulnerable among us.  I am so sick of people who underline, bold and put in caps the word "THEORY" when they talk about Global Climate Change.  

The people who don't want to fund this research know we will leave them behind on this planet; a science based Rapture.  

We shall become the Advent.



backs out of the room slowly...  




on Jun 13, 2014


Quoting Heavenfall, reply 10I do, however, think I'm too clever to fall for the obvious "here's a pretty spaceship, give us money" ploy.

I'm sure glad we didn't fall for that penicillin, round earth, airplane, telephone, television, computers and walking on the moon nonsense either.


I don't know about you, but I personally adopt new technology based on its results, not cheap marketing ploys. If I did it the other way around, I'd still be believing in homeopathy, a flat earth, that men weren't meant to fly, that we never went to the moon, that 9/11 was an inside job, god... and so on.

But we are really dancing around the subject here, which is - can the makers be trusted and what do they have to show that supports them? And I tend to fall back on this old gem; "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". And a very good rule of personal finance - only invest in what you understand.

on Jun 13, 2014

"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

Well, say Dr. White sat down and showed you the equations, would you understand them and the loopholes (that math is pretty high falootin' )? You have that much math training? Not saying that you don't or wouldn't WITH the right training, though.

only invest in what you understand

A good rule, as far as it goes. Problem is, it doesn't go the whole distance. How much of the mathematics of statistics does one have to understand to buy a winning lottery ticket?

Perhaps at some point in the past, people could claim to understand the theory behind X or Y. Perhaps that's true about some things today though probably far fewer than yesteryear. 

Even using your investment example, economists can explain some market forces and some market behavior, but in fact admit they cannot predict the behavior of the market at any given moment of time. 

I think there are enough folks around who do understand the math and at some point Dr. White et al, will have to 'put up or shut up'...either with experimental results (replicable) and/or communication with higher math mavins (probably sooner than the experimental results) regarding those 'loopholes'.

By the way, he might also be right about the loopholes, just shy of a way to prove they might be usable, at the present. You never know...after all, what was true about many peoples' beliefs 25-50 years before Columbus took his boat ride wasn't 25-50 years afterwards.

on Jun 13, 2014

trolls...dom't you just love 'em? ...

on Jun 13, 2014

I would love to see the math on these equations. It would be a great to see exactly what parts he is looking at for the loophole. I find it completely, neat that we may find a way to create warp drive.

I'm curious, if we create warp drive, would this also imply that we can get to a semblance of teleportation?

on Jun 13, 2014


I would love to see the math on these equations. It would be a great to see exactly what parts he is looking at for the loophole. I find it completely, neat that we may find a way to create warp drive.

I'm curious, if we create warp drive, would this also imply that we can get to a semblance of teleportation?

Well, this stuff is just an instance of an Alcubierre drive.  If you want to see the math, the wikipedia link I had above has links to the relevant journal articles.  It also has a number of links to arxiv preprints if you don't have the journal subscriptions.

In any case, there isn't really a loophole here.  Einstein's field equations basically tell you what spacetime will look like given a distribution of mass energy.  What it doesn't do is check to see if the distribution of mass energy is physically possible (given our current understanding of physics).  So the problem is that the Alcubierre drive requires a physically impossible configuration of mass energy (essentially, it needs a pocket of negative mass/energy).  That doesn't really factor into the field equations since they never check that, but physics overall has a problem with negative mass.

Now, there is some speculation that you can work around this by actually getting your hands on some negative energy.  As I said earlier, this isn't completely insane, but probably isn't that plausible right now either.  If you want to know more about this, you can read this:


But thats just a whole bunch of wild handwaving.

In any case, there may still be a problem with causality.  See, the main reason that traveling faster than the speed of light is generally considered impossible is causality.  Its fairly simple to show that if you travel faster than the speed of light, causality breaks - essentially, effects can happen before their causes, which is considered paradoxical.  It is not clear that a warp drive would allow you to work around this problem, so a warp drive might still be impossible for causality reasons.

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