Ramblings of an old Doc


Softwheel has done just that.

They invented a wheel whose spokes are shock absorbers as well as a dynamic suspension system.

What do I mean? I mean that the ‘spokes’ are shock absorbers which alter their length according to task:

What this means, is that the wheel can go over any type of surface with each wheel on essentially, an independent suspension and absorb the shocks of going over rocks and up or down stairs.

The way these shocks/spokes are connected?

That’s pretty cool in my book. Also, the chair doesn't have to take up as much room in a vehicle. Note how the wheels come off in the video.

This technology has been applied to bicycles as well as wheel chairs, and could be a really good innovation for mountain and trail bicycles.






Comments (Page 2)
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on May 18, 2014

on May 18, 2014

...entering turn 1 at Phillip Island at 346 kph on a MotoGP bike with wobbly-wheels would raise a GP rider to an even greater level of 'insane'

But Marquez would STILL have his elbows down..... lol

on May 18, 2014

Quoting Jafo, reply 12...entering turn 1 at Phillip Island at 346 kph on a MotoGP bike with wobbly-wheels would raise a GP rider to an even greater level of 'insane'

But Marquez would STILL have his elbows down..... lol

Yes....it was him...

All those people who declare their flavour of Motorsport superior/more impressive probably haven't worked out exactly what 346 kph is....and that it's done on 2 wheels ....and no roll cage....

on May 20, 2014

The wheel remains the same, but the suspension is different. The wheel cannot remain a perfect circle while being compressed, so the rim of the wheel must be flexible to allow these spokes to absorb shock. If this works, being a bicycle rider, I am all for it.



on May 20, 2014

Might be good for a Segway.

on May 21, 2014

If this works, being a bicycle rider, I am all for it.

Bicycle rider? Voila:


BTW...it's also a nice video of the Tel-Aviv Boardwalk which goes the whole length of Tel-Aviv all the way to Jaffa (no, not to Jafo). 


Might be good for a Segway.

Don't see any reason it wouldn't work on one...

on May 21, 2014

Reciprocating motors and unfettered suspension don't get along well...and a cyclist is the biggest/worst issue.

There are reams of argument/development re bicycle suspension systems [no, not invented in Marin County] and I think I'll stick with the system I've ridden for 49 years [50 in a few months]... devised by possibly the most successful suspension engineer on the planet....ie.the Mini has won every single class/form of racing it has ever entered...


At the end of that video the rider likely gets off and is violently sea-sick....

on May 21, 2014

and a cyclist is the biggest/worst issue.

The rider looked perfectly happy in the video from the website...didn't see a problem at all, and looks like it's be great for mountain biking as well...

on May 21, 2014

I would think it would work quite well for casual cycling. Racing or serious downhill runs, that may be another matter.

on May 21, 2014

Doc...you can see the hub bobbing up and down with pedal cadence...it's an absolute deal-breaker on a bike.

if the hub bobs up and down with pedal motion...so does the rider...

on May 21, 2014

I don't care what the ad says, those wheels are going to rob you of power.

on May 21, 2014

If you've taken your medicine but forgot to shake it first, just go for a bike ride......done!

on May 21, 2014

Jafo, the only time I saw the rider going up and down was at the curb segments, and that's the whole purpose of it. If you're going up/down a curb/stairs, then you're generally slowing down a bit anyway. If you're on a 10 speed, I doubt you'd even notice the difference...in 'power loss'. 

Where a male would notice the difference is in cumulative perineal trauma and erectile 'compromise'.

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