Ramblings of an old Doc


It’s been a busy month for MS.

Just last week MS released an unscheduled security patch for the zero-day RCE patch.

So, May 13th will be  ‘Patch Tuesday’ and as usual MS has delineated what will be in the update.

You can read about it here: https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms14-may in far more detail as to what each patch is, and the software affected broken down in the Executive Summary and the “Software Affected” tables as well as the breakdown by OS.

The Malicious Software Removal Tool will be updated as well.

Suffice it to say, this is an update not to be ignored. You can also expect an Adobe Update also on the 13th.




Comments (Page 2)
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on May 13, 2014

Why react, Jim?

on May 13, 2014

Nice avatar, Doc. Is that a PhotoShark?

on May 13, 2014

I got 7 important updates...none critical. After the install it took just under three minutes to boot up.

on May 13, 2014


I installed the updates today. Made my computer slow to a crawl. Any ideas on this?


@ kona and anyone else interested...


Not all updates complete their entire 'update process' immediately, so it is quite possible......and in cases like with .NET etc. (quite probable) that the 'updated' file(s) in question may still be performing other operations in the background including but not limited to cleanup etc. etc. etc.


The above can of course have an averse (albeit temporary) effect on system load-time(s) and/or program responsiveness etc. etc.


As stated for instance .NET updates sometimes require additional post-update processing/file operations and while those are usually scheduled for times when the CPU is idle, it is possible for some of those file operations to take place on subsequent system 'reboots' and/or at other times when they may be more noticeable to the user.

on May 13, 2014

Great explanation, Monk. Worthy of karma.

on May 13, 2014

I have Windows 7. My point is that even after rebooting 5 times it's still taking upwards of five minutes to boot when it used to take one minute at the most.

on May 13, 2014

That's what makes working with computer interesting......we all set ours up differently or to our own likes, which is why no one is responding having the same experience that you are kona. 

on May 13, 2014

If you are using Win8.1 with WB please do not install the optional update in the list until after you upgrade WB to the latest files which will be out on Wednesday.  The automatic ones should be fine, just avoid the optional one for now.

on May 13, 2014

Nice job, Neil! Thanks! 

on May 13, 2014


I have Windows 7. My point is that even after rebooting 5 times it's still taking upwards of five minutes to boot when it used to take one minute at the most.



Opening the 'Computer Management' console snapin (START> RUN>compmgmt.msc) and parsing the 'Windows Logs' by drilling down in the 'Event Viewer' may help shed some light.  For explanation of individual event ID's there are several web resources readily available via a quick web search.

on May 14, 2014

Neil Banfield

If you are using Win8.1 with WB please do not install the optional update in the list until after you upgrade WB to the latest files which will be out on Wednesday.  The automatic ones should be fine, just avoid the optional one for now.

Thank you, Neil, for your reply!  I updated all 33 updates and the optional KB2955164 update, and received a black screen after entering my PIN.  I tried many different fixes, but nothing helped.  Thankfully someone said long ago to make sure you have another Admin user account, so I was able to log in to that account and delete that optional update.  After that, I was able to log into my regular user account.

I just saw this thread and was going to warn of the optional update.  I'm glad to know that it had to do with an incompatibility with WB. 

Thanks again!

on May 14, 2014

I usually leave the optional ones alone for that very reason. 

on May 14, 2014

I got 15 updates on Windows 7 and 21 on Windows 8. Guess they released a lot more than 8 updates total.

on May 14, 2014

I got 15 updates on Windows 7 and 21 on Windows 8. Guess they released a lot more than 8 updates total.


May 13 MS will release 2 ‘Critical’ and six ‘Important’ updates.


Probably the rest were optional? 

on May 15, 2014

one of them just doesn't install for me. 2871997

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