Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on March 24, 2013 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing


A company called EyeVerify claims a foolproof method of identification as a “secure password” method of securing your computer and data.

According to it’s CEO (Toby Rush), passwords fail for two reasons: terrible passwords and there’s no “proof of life” with the ones we do create.

Now, with the software they created, everyone’s unique identifier (retinal blood vessel pattern) will overcome both. EyeVerify uses streaming video (so simply removing the eye wont work) to prove “life” (blood circulating through the retinal arteries and veins) in addition to the pattern of the blood vessels.

"We tell the camera to do different things," Rush explained, such as change the white balance of the image or the frame rate at random. The software also recognizes the different absorption rates of light in the eye versus on a monitor, meaning that the system wouldn't be fooled, "even if you had an exact video of sequence." – Toby Rush

Even better: EyeVerify requires no special video equipment to accomplish this. From healthcare and banking to  academic testing, EyeVerify has great promise.

There are some pitfalls, though. Since most carry a smartphone or other device which can scan the retina, the inputting device would have to be somewhere observable if only to protect the person inputting the retinal video from kidnapping and other forms of extortion (except family members/loved ones won’t be as secure). Therefore there is a hole in this method as well, it would seem (at least to me).

Anyway, it is a step forward. Maybe.



on Mar 24, 2013

Someday, the police will want to see your EyeD, not your ID.

on Mar 24, 2013

I do believe we are living in the future, imagine that. 

on Mar 25, 2013

A science fiction writer, (Azimov, I think) wrote, many years ago, that a sufficiently advance science/technology is indistinguishable from magic.  Words that make machines do things, glances that open up / unlock PCs, doors, medical devices/cabinets, vaults, etc.  Harry Potter, why do you bother with that useless wand?  Its amazing the things we continue to create.  And the continuing accelerating pace of all these new... hope there's an ap to measure that.