Ramblings of an old Doc


Supposedly there’s been another cyber strike on Iran’s “peaceful/medical” nuclear program. Apparently this strike caused the computers at Natanz and Fordo to blare out “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC in the middle of the night (there). It also shut down part of the automation network according to Mikko Hypponen (a well known Finnish cyber-security expert at F-Secure).

All this is coming via emails allegedly sent by an Iranian nuclear scientist. That made me wonder how many Iranian nuclear scientists can identify “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC. Then again, probably some of them (at least) were educated here.

Anyway… just reporting what I saw.

Source:  http://www.timesofisrael.com/iranian-nuclear-plants-thunderstruck-by-acdc-playing-virus/

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 25, 2012

If true, it's gut-busting hilarious.

on Jul 25, 2012


on Jul 25, 2012

US tax dollars at work.

Your government is about to be sued for 300 trillion trillion dollars by the RIAA, btw.

on Jul 25, 2012

I hope akkadakka will be receiving royalties......

on Jul 25, 2012


Your government is about to be sued for 300 trillion trillion dollars by the RIAA, btw.


on Jul 25, 2012

Your government is about to be sued for 300 trillion trillion dollars by the RIAA, btw.

LOL... I'd love to see "Nukes and Furious" play out. 

on Jul 25, 2012

We need a government request line with a live DJ so we can call in  and make our requests.

I think the Scorpions, "Rock You Like a Hurricane" would have been a good one too.

on Jul 25, 2012

 The Beatles' Help.....would be good. sounds like they could use it.

on Jul 25, 2012

Personally, I would have blasted them with an insipid Rick Astley at full bore.... "Never gonna give you up....."

on Jul 25, 2012

starkers:  good one, you beat me to it. . .

on Jul 25, 2012

At first glance, it seems  funny.

However, in my opinion,  messing with any country's nuclear facilities is both foolish and asking for trouble. The end result could have global consequences. One wrong move by some hacker and it's "Stairway to Heaven" for untold thousands of people.  

I find little humor in that.

on Jul 25, 2012

The alternative is to drop bombs...or just say, "Oh well--have your nukes.".

The latter isn't desirable but might be lived with but for the fact the country wanting them has vowed to use them to exterminate Israel and also will prompt every other country in the region to want their own nukes too.

It's all a "one wrong move" scenario.

In  a seperate issue--it sanctifies using the internet as a weapon or target whenever it suits any nation to do so.  This is going to have a lot of consequences in the future too.

It's actually not so funny (though how they've pulled it off is).

on Jul 25, 2012

In a seperate issue--it sanctifies using the internet as a weapon or target whenever it suits any nation to do so. This is going to have a lot of consequences in the future too.

Also an excellent point. More fuel for the governments of the world in their quest to completly control or at least monitor all internet traffic.

If the situation was reversed and the prank was pulled on a US facility, the Homeland Security goons would have a field day. "See, we are doing this for your own security"

Does anyone find that prospect funny?

on Jul 25, 2012

At first glance, it seems  funny.

However, in my opinion,  messing with any country's nuclear facilities is both foolish and asking for trouble. The end result could have global consequences. One wrong move by some hacker and it's "Stairway to Heaven" for untold thousands of people.  

I find little humor in that.

In principle I agree... I also don't think it was the work of "some hacker", if it happened and isn't "disinformation". Until a further analysis of the Trojan comes, I'll withhold that judgment. 

There was no physical destruction, thus radioactive dispersal didn't happen. Yet.

The alternative is to drop bombs...or just say, "Oh well--have your nukes.".

I also agree with Sinperium. Iran isn't Switzerland. Its goals are far from benign.

The time is approaching quickly where a decision must be made... US elections or not.

I see these efforts (and others) as efforts to delay that decision, and its consequences. In that sense, it is the lesser of the evils. None of the choices are palatable in this situation, and none will last a long time as destroying the physical plants isn't destroying the knowledge to produce them. 

What Israel's choice boils down to is simply this: "Which is more dangerous - Iran with a nuclear weapon, or a strike against Iran?".

I think everyone knows the answer to that one.



on Jul 25, 2012

... I also don't think it was the work of "some hacker", if it happened and isn't "disinformation". Until a further analysis of the Trojan comes, I'll withhold that judgment. 


I think what wizard was alluding to was that once a system is compromised by a trojan (any trojan) another attack from "some hacker" could have unintended (and far worse) consequences.


I for one am of the belief that any "messing with another country" (especially in underhanded/deniable ways) can and most often will come back to haunt the offending party.  That and I agree, had such a prank taken place against a US interest.........oh my.....somebody would be getting their behind royaly F(reedom)-d up....nuff said! 

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