Ramblings of an old Doc


Lots of folks use Chrome as their personal browser. What I hate doing is stopping what I’m working on to type (or I admit, more often than Zu) mistype what I’ve come across into the search engine’s search area. It’s a P.I.A.

So, I’m on the prowl looking for goodies for you all and I came across this: Drag and Drop. You can find it here. It’s rated 5 stars and I agree.

Nothing’s easier than choosing, clicking and dragging the phrase, name, or picture into whichever search engine you like most…

So it comes with the most popular search sites pre-programmed (Bing, Google, Youtube, Gamespot, Wikipedia, etc.). These are in the twelve (four by four rectangle) peripheral tiles.

I wasn’t happy with “Gamespot” and decided to turn it into “DuckDuckGo”… and did so.

It’s was easy to do (keep this post as you won’t find a ‘how to’ out there).

Go to the ‘wrench’ on your Chrome bar, then choose ‘Tools’ and ‘Extensions’:

Then you’ll see:

After clicking it, you get:


So setup is a one time thing… and frankly, pretty easy.

My first search? WindowBlinds: I outlined it, clicked on it and dragged it to “Duck”:

And got:


Oh yes… how did I get the DuckDuckGo search url?  Easy. Went to “http://www.duckduckgo.com” and typed in “doc”. I got this in the url area:

and used everything except “doc” in the URL area in the 3rd picture above.


Hope this helps give you a really easy, great tool to make life easier. Have a great Sunday.

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