Ramblings of an old Doc
Published on February 6, 2012 By DrJBHL In Personal Computing

Just saw this about a worker’s life at Foxconn: http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/06/world/asia/china-apple-foxconn-worker/index.html?hpt=hp_c2

You should see it if you get the opportunity sometime today [sorry, you’ll have to see the stupid Verizon ad in order to do so, though].

It reiterates what we’ve been saying. Right now, she earns less than $1 per hour. Good thing she works more than 60 hrs. a week, eh?

She’s never even seen an iPad, though… not the finished product, anyway.

Apple states it demands workers have safe conditions and be treated with dignity. I really didn’t expect them to say anything different.

If so Apple, why isn’t it being done? Pious hypocrisy is just that.

Anyway…. thought you’d want to see it.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/06/world/asia/china-apple-foxconn-worker/index.html?hpt=hp_c2

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 06, 2012

This doesn't really seem that different to when the West was going through its own Industrial Revolution. Given enough time, things will change in these countries and they'll become just like us, and their jobs will get outsourced to somewhere else. Won't that be swell!

You can't say that, it takes all the needless moral outrage if you say its all just part of a system. Wait...

on Feb 06, 2012

Corporation: a clever device for separating individual profit taking from individual responsibility. Capitalism: a socio-economic-political system that advertises the free market place, while actually, savagely subverting the 'free market place by "managing," via corporations, both labor, and customers. "Its not personal, its just business." My opinion, it is ALWAYS personal. Western consumers, including myself, have some less expensive products because of what amounts to slave labor. Try to start a labor union in China, and you get 20 years in prison. (Might be better than working there!-LOL.) Make no mistake: living off the slave labor of other humans is a form of cannibalism. (or vampirism, if you prefer). We live better because we consume their lives, we suck their lives dry. At least Hannable Lector was honest about his choices.

Nicely put....

on Feb 06, 2012

Yeah, it really sucks.  Worst system ever, aside from all the others that have been tried.  We are so effing spoiled.

on Feb 06, 2012

Corporation: a clever device for separating individual profit taking from individual responsibility. Capitalism: a socio-economic-political system that advertises the free market place, while actually, savagely subverting the 'free market place by "managing," via corporations, both labor, and customers. "Its not personal, its just business." My opinion, it is ALWAYS personal. Western consumers, including myself, have some less expensive products because of what amounts to slave labor. Try to start a labor union in China, and you get 20 years in prison. (Might be better than working there!-LOL.) Make no mistake: living off the slave labor of other humans is a form of cannibalism. (or vampirism, if you prefer). We live better because we consume their lives, we suck their lives dry. At least Hannable Lector was honest about his choices.

Time for Communism... oh wait you got shot by the socialist worker friendly government if you protested about your crushing poverty or about corruption in the government under that system. In fact the human rights abuses and poverty were much worse, just ask anyone in China.

Time for Anarchy, but then there are no human rights at all....

Capitalism is system based upon freedom, and the ability of people to come together and exchange goods within a free market with fair laws. It's really that simple. You don't like people being able to trade goods? What exactly is the other option, except the before mentioned communism where the government redistributes everything? If you don't like the system then you are free to join an agriculture commune somewhere and wash your hands of it. However I suspect you will do no such thing, instead you will enjoy the huge benefits of capitalism and the freedom of choice it offers you and continue to compose little blurbs about how corporations and capitalism are out to get people. Corporations seek profit and by doing so hugely benefit society as any economist will tell you. Western quality of life and technology would be far worse without them, and yes that includes you. If you think they are doing something wrong I suggest you become politically involved, your political rights don't end with voting.

Yes globalization allows some corporations to do immoral things but no they don't secretly control the government. America is still a democracy, corporations can only offer people products and you don't have to bloody buy their stuff. Unlike governments which can arrest you, and Obama who can apparently force you to buy health insurance.  

on Feb 06, 2012

Complete ignorance is the only excuse for not finding this to be drive by journalism at it's worst.


Anything starting with this pile of journalistic shit work for a premise should be ignored for the tripe it is.

More than 300,000 people sleep, eat and work here. There are three hospitals, a fire station, supermarkets and restaurants all crammed on less than a square mile (2.3 square kilometers.)

But something here is not right -- an alarming number of workers have taken their lives or attempted suicide. So far this year, 10 people have committed suicide, while three others have tried, according to Foxconn, a Taiwanese firm and local authorities, and no one knows why.


The suicide statistics they stated were evidence that it's an absolutely fucking wonderful place to work at.  The national average in China should put that north of 30 by that time in the year, closer to sixty if the workforce is largely male.




Our so called abuse of poor Chinese workers is a terrible thing to be doing though, it's so damned stupid...


Exporting all of our basic manufacturing over seas has just about run it's course.  Manufacturing was difficult to move, the software we replaced it with as it disappeared is not.  Envy the poor Chinese factory worker that lives twice as good as they would have ten years ago.  In another ten years, they might be in better shape than you are, on account of them actually producing something besides red ink.


on Feb 06, 2012

Capitalism is system based upon freedom, and the ability of people to come together and exchange goods within a free market with fair laws. It's really that simple.

Nothing is ever 'that simple'.

on Feb 06, 2012

Time for Anarchy, but then there are no human rights at all....

As a former philosophical anarchist who was converted to small-d democracy, I have to call bullshit here. There's a major difference between anarchy and chaos, and that difference is respect for other people. The reason I left anarchy for democracy is that our species is still too inclined to use organized violence as a political tool. The reason I wish I could still claim to be a philosophical anarchist is that no other political philosophy can match it in terms of respect for individual human beings.


on Feb 06, 2012

Corporation: a clever device for separating individual profit taking from individual responsibility. Capitalism: a socio-economic-political system that advertises the free market place, while actually, savagely subverting the 'free market place by "managing," via corporations, both labor, and customers. "Its not personal, its just business." My opinion, it is ALWAYS personal. Western consumers, including myself, have some less expensive products because of what amounts to slave labor. Try to start a labor union in China, and you get 20 years in prison. (Might be better than working there!-LOL.) Make no mistake: living off the slave labor of other humans is a form of cannibalism. (or vampirism, if you prefer). We live better because we consume their lives, we suck their lives dry. At least Hannable Lector was honest about his choices.

Well said. The fact is that all the names for "different" political and economic systems were similarly invented. It's all an excuse/justification and intellectualization for man's sado-masochistic and hateful drives to use others to his own ends with disregard to the fact that everyone deserves to be treated equally and treated as you would be treated. The fact that one person, or a few people thought of or organized a place to virtually enslave others does not make them worthy of living like kings. It makes them worthy of a term of equal servitude under similar conditions.

In fact, that's why programs showing company CEO's spending time working alongside the average worker are popular... and why CNN's "Heroes" is so popular. They recognize that all are equal and show what everyone should be doing and the way to act toward "others".

Enough of "things" before people.

"אל תעמוד על דם רעך" - Do not stand idly by. It also (literally) means do not stand upon another's blood.

"ואהבת רעך כמוך" - Love others as you love yourself. The Golden Rule. Treat others as you would have them treat you, and do not treat them as you would not wish to be treated.

It's not at all as complex as others would have you believe.

Enough of all this savagery.

on Feb 06, 2012

GW Swicord
As a former philosophical anarchist who was converted to small-d democracy, I have to call bullshit here. There's a major difference between anarchy and chaos, and that difference is respect for other people. The reason I left anarchy for democracy is that our species is still too inclined to use organized violence as a political tool. The reason I wish I could still claim to be a philosophical anarchist is that no other political philosophy can match it in terms of respect for individual human beings.

I didn't really mean that there would be complete chaos where we murder each other, I just meant that in anarchy there wouldn't really be legally enforced human rights.

on Feb 07, 2012

Firstly a capitalist is a person who's business is making money through investments in business. The term in widely misused. Capitalists do not make products. Capitalists are not concerned with human rights. Capitalists are concerned with investing money and their profits. Capitalists are often immoral because they believe in an Ayn Rand way of life where I comes first and there are no consequences. Laissez-faire capitalism. There is no "State", everyone is for themselves. The Chinese for example are not true capitalists because of their totalitarian/communist government.

In the U.S.A. we have a system that is supposed to protect the people from predatory capitalists but "Money talks and bullshit walks" is the way it goes here.

While people have valid complaints about multinational companies abusing people in China there is a history of people in the U.S. being abused. Asbestos and tobacco are two good examples. Many lives ruined all for the sake of profit.



on Feb 07, 2012

I have read (sorry, I can't remember where) that Apple uses Foxconn for manufacturing their products because... (paraphrasing) "If say, we are about to go into production of the iPhone 5 and we have only just now decided to add a new feature to the phone... Foxconn would most likely be able to put that new feature into production in about 6 weeks.  Whereas, if that same scenario were played out in by a manufacturer in the U.S. then, it would take 6 months to a year to put that same new feature into production.  Production changes in the U.S. take longer to put into action, due to expensive equipment changes, hiring personnel, and regulations imposed on the manufacturing process."

on Feb 07, 2012

Production changes in the U.S. take longer to put into action, due to expensive equipment changes, hiring personnel, and regulations imposed on the manufacturing process."

Some of those regulations that are supposed to protect the workers but they won't let that get into the way of making a quick buck. They care more about profits than the safety of the workers in China. They care more about the profits than having the work done in the U.S.A.

on Feb 07, 2012

So in other words an 1Phone made in China by people who are little more than slaves will cost $40.00 US would cost, if made in the US of A, $400.00 USD? Yeah ... I could see where they might want to pay the little bit but still charge the 'Made in USA' price. Mooney ... money ... money.

on Feb 07, 2012

Actually a 20 min piece on Canadian news last night as well.

on Feb 07, 2012

There are 13 major US companies on that list of the top 25 companies at FoxConn. After serving this country for 22 years in the military, to see it end up like this is totally embarrassing. I am now ashamed to be an American, and if I could afford it I would leave today.

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