This idea was inspired by Wizard1956, Richie31 and coffeegrinder by their participation in threads. My thanks should go as well to tazgecko and willistuder and many others (like RnD - yeah, even hillbillies have good tips, though rarely
) whose pm's or ideas were the fertile ground (polite for 'compost') from which this weed flower sprouted. 
This is a Community Driven Thread: It's yours, not mine.
Just a few suggestions:
- Your app should be one you yourself found useful. Post the OS you use it with as well as any good or bad points.
- Make sure you put in the URL where to find it.
- Hopefully it'll be free, but that's not a must.
- Please add to your mini review "This comment may not be used on any commercial site, nor for any commercial purpose." to avoid the spammers.
- At the top, put on "Utility". "Image Processing", "File Management", "Security App" or some label to help folks scan quickly to what they need.
If you see something on "Giveawayoftheday" or other time limited offer, please put that in red or a larger than usual font to make it stand out (within reason).
If I missed something here or in one of my threads, please point it out in that thread and add it here!
You guys and girls are just great! Thank you so much for this idea. Hope it helps folks searching for whatever!