Just noted this on Slashdot.com:
I don’t know if you are participating in Google+ or not, but if you use Gmail for your personal/business correspondence,
this could be catastrophic. Since errors can happen, and since an appeal mechanism doesn’t appear to be evident,
I recommend:
1. Read Google+ ‘s ToS and make a copy of it.
2. Make a backup of your important correspondence, receipts, etc.
3. Try to find an appeal link, and if you find it PLEASE post it on this thread. It might save someone a great deal of grief.
This seems to happen because Google+ unifies all the Google services you use.
Not having a clearly posted link for an appeal of decision is not good practice, Google. It seems a bit Orwellian to me.
So, unless you have really great media exposure, or are a celebrity your chances of appeal are almost zero.