Ramblings of an old Doc


From Gizmodo

When JuniorCrooks posted recently about pills for weight loss, it got me curious.

Meds have desirable, and undesirable side and adverse effects. Well, what about other methods? There are caloric and food type adjustments that should be made and I wondered about tech.

There are surgical procedures such as stomach bypass surgery as well as “lap banding” where a balloon is wrapped around the junction of the esophagus and the stomach (done laparascopically – through a tube inserted through the wall of the abdomen).

Now there’s a new player: A gastric “pacemaker” (nerve stimulator would be closer to the truth) called Abiliti.

When a person starts eating, the device senses it and stimulates the Vagus nerve (which mediates stomach and intestine movement and secretion) and causes one to feel “full” much earlier than he/she would having eaten.

It’s run by a minicomputer (just like its brain, spinal cord and cardiac cousins). The device senses and paces according to the signals it receives.

According to its creators, “The system goes beyond just zapping the stomach. It also collects information about food consumption and exercise, all of which can be downloaded to the doctor's office or shared in the Abiliti online community.”

Is it effective? Yes. It’s designed to last for five years (power cell/size limitations) and costs between $24,000 to implant. That’s a good deal of money. However, if you figure in the “cost” of Diabetes and Hypertension along with resultant heart, nerve and blood vessel disease as well as Strokes and Kidney Failure, care and medications, it’s not that bad a deal and no monetary value can be placed on the human suffering. A better deal would be people saying “enough”, but how often has that ever happened?

So, is it effective? Well, according to the company, in a trial with 45 people, 20% weight loss was achieved. Considering that diets yield about 3%, that’s an impressive number.

As with any foreign device in the body, infections are a risk, and have been reported. It’ll be coming in 2014.

Worth A Second Look: Reversing Diabetes is possible (Type II – Adult Onset Diabetes/Insulin Resistant Diabetes):


Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 06, 2011

^ Besides which you are an Orthodox Mediterraneo-Pastafarian Journeywoman belonging to the Church of the Late in the Day Munchies. . We all know it. So don't bother to deny it.

Yup, Doc -- it's my religion.

Isn't it ironic how you have heart disease when you eat low amounts of animal foods?

I don't think you understood my post.  don't have heart disease -- it runs in my family.  My grandfather who ate a diet high in red meats, suffered an early heart attack, as did my father, who spent most of his life eating a low-carb, high protein (he and Ma called in "the Army diet"); it wasn't until he had his heart attack that he started exchanging his beef for legumes.

Semantics aside, taking in a limited amount of calories, and finding a balanced diet you can stick with, AND still enjoy life should be the goal. 

on Mar 06, 2011

The most highly atherogenic material is Oxycholesterol which is a product of animal fat (beef, pork, etc.) being fried or grilled over an open fire.


on Mar 06, 2011

Actually, Fats oxidize at their smoking point. I actually do agree that heavy cooking is bad, but that is why meat should be cooked rare rather than well done or fryed or eaten raw like indigenous peoples, and research on meat "done-ness" should be done. Im all up for carbs from good sources like non-starchy veggies just reminding people that im not promoting an extreme diet


on Mar 06, 2011

The most highly atherogenic material is Oxycholesterol which is a product of animal fat (beef, pork, etc.) being fried or grilled over an open fire.


"a pleasing aroma unto the LORD."

on Mar 06, 2011

lol, as for the Lord, i remember something about cain and abel

Where Cain was a tiller of the earth and offered plants to God he wasnt pleased

i think Abel offered his sheep but the lord was satisfied

must look up my quotes... i can't quite remember

I am happy for our civilized debate so far without name-calling    

on Mar 06, 2011

^ Besides which you are an Orthodox Mediterraneo-Pastafarian Journeywoman belonging to the Church of the Late in the Day Munchies. . We all know it. So don't bother to deny it.


Funny shit right there....lol!!!!  

on Mar 07, 2011

Or we could promote exercise, reduce food intake, and these problems would be relegated to history. 

on Mar 07, 2011

Cannabalism would solve our problems too--then only the strong and healthy would survive.

To keep it simple, Abel offered God the best animal of his herd and took time to prepare it (gut, skin cook and divide the pieces--i.e., he made a feast as if the Lord was coming to dinner).  Cain while working in the field resented the interuption and simply grabbed a sheaf of the crop he was already harvesting and tossed it to the side to "offer up" when he was done...that's what got him in the "not approved" position.


on Mar 07, 2011

I dunno ....looking at the title... all I could think of was....

on Mar 07, 2011

The parks are empty

Excellent to know!  I hear they still have hookers in them though.

on Mar 07, 2011

1. Gives a whole new meaning to being tanked up. Also to 'Don't tread on me.'

2. Tanks a lot, Jafo... I got a bang over that one.

on Mar 07, 2011

Must be where "Armor Hotdogs" came from.

on Mar 07, 2011

I firmly believe in low carbohydrate dieting, fat doesnt make you fat carbs do mostly, like bread and potatoes. Carbs raise blood sugar and raise insulin and insulin tells you to store fat, this is why the Atkins diet works. A lot of people do low-fat, high carb and end up yoyoing on their weight because insulin forces fat to stay in your adipose cells and you get an undershoot of nutrients and after a high carb meal you have almost no blood sugar or fats to use as energy.

I went on a low carb diet long before Adkins came out.  And it worked (but the pain of no pasta!!!!).  I understand the carbs = sugar thing, but now I know why it works even better (sugar=insulin production=appetitte)!  Thanks for the education.

I am back on a low carb diet, not because of weight (although I can stand to lose about 10 pounds), but due to my sugar levels (not dangerous, just a tad high).  I have also heard that not eating carbs reduces appetitie, and that does seem to be my case as well (I LOVE food).  I am losing weight, and with that yes, I do not have as much of an appetite.

Changing a diet is never easy.  But I would rather change mine slightly (still love the fat in meat!), so that I do not need to go on a Statin to control my cholesterol.  I am on a Niacin regime that has a side effect of increasing your blood sugar, so that is why I cut back on the carbs.

Now, as for the gizmo (from gizmodo) - just another small step for man - to the borg collective!

on Mar 07, 2011

Actually, Fats oxidize at their smoking point. I actually do agree that heavy cooking is bad, but that is why meat should be cooked rare rather than well done or fryed or eaten raw like indigenous peoples, and research on meat "done-ness" should be done. Im all up for carbs from good sources like non-starchy veggies just reminding people that im not promoting an extreme diet


Only way to eat it!!!!!!

You are a great source of good information and I will thank you again.  I like my meat rare!

But I wanted to add one comment.  There are many low carb diets, but there are no NO-Carb diets that I know of.  The reason?  Carbs are in almost all food!  Princeof Star hit the big ones, but even non-green veggies have them as well.  So you can get plenty of carbs by just eating more veggies (but they still do not taste like pasta!).

on Mar 07, 2011

but there are no NO-Carb diets that I know of

That would be unhealthy. Having a small amout of carbs is ok. Just not the french fries/pasta with with rice and bread on top of that!

The hidden carbs as in gravies, thickened soup, etc. should be watched as well.

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