To an absolutely wonderful bunch of people without whom this site would not be what it is:
“Home” away from home to us all.
Today, 1/26/11 is being celebrated throughout Australia in commemoration of the landing of the first fleet in what is now Sydney Harbor (then Sydney Cove) not far from the base of the Sydney Harbor Bridge in 1788. starting a great endeavor which goes on to this day….
As an American, and a descendent of those who arrived here by boat from England (and Russia) I feel a definite affinity to that group of people who arrived in Australia from oppression to a far more promising, though difficult life. It might be more than an affinity as I share a clan (and geographic origin in Annan, Scotland) in common with Major George Johnston.
So, as one ex-colonial to a whole bunch of others, I say,
Hoist a pint, “G’day mate!” and….
Please join me in wishing our wonderful Ozzie family “Happy Australia Day”!
Love to you all!